When we give you our word, we mean it, and we will deliver on our promise.
At Van Diemen’s Land Irrigation we pride ourselves on creating irrigation systems that are tailor made to the features of your property. We understand farming and the difference a properly designed and thought through irrigation system can make to your work day. We know what is at stake on your property during the warm summer months, and understand the stresses that the irrigation season can place on your farm, and family.
We only stock and supply quality and durable products that you can trust, helping you to manage your Tasmanian irrigation needs with confidence. Our pricing is always competitive with the added bonus of straight up and honest old fashioned country service.
Centre pivots and linear (PIERCE)
We are Tasmanian Irrigation dealers for Pierce centre pivots, linears and micro pivots. Pierce pride themselves on manufacturing superior engineered systems that offer manufacturing and design features that other machines lack. They are also ideal for our undulating terrain and a pivot that will stand the test of time and climate. Pierce are a global leader in pivot irrigation systems and they are our choice of suppliers because of their superior structural design, consistent quality and adaptability to Tasmania's conditions.
Hard hose irrigators (IRTEC)
We source our hard hose irrigators from Italian irrigation company Irtec who offer customised solutions that increase productivity, reduce overhead costs and energy waste. In addition to hard hose irrigators, we also import Irtec diesel motor pump sets and low-pressure irrigation booms.